RHS Hampton Court Show 2014 - Bacchus Garden
Designed by Jean Wardrop & Ricky Cole
Built by RDC Landscapes

Silver Medal
This garden has been inspired by Bacchus (the Roman god of wine), subject of Titian's painting Bacchus and Ariadne (1523), and by Hampton Court Palace’s Great Vine, which was planted in 1769 and is one of the largest grape vines in the world.
Exuberant blousy blooms fill the curvaceous wine glass-inspired space, providing a sense of abundance. Tiered overflowing pools represent a continuous flow of wine.
Multi-stem trees grow in barrels and bottle ends peek out of rosé-coloured steps. Small Buxus cylinders, like overgrown corks, emerge from the flowers.
The garden forms a secluded area that is perfect for relaxation or for entertaining guests during a summer evening soirée or wine tasting.
Media Coverage
Monty Don interviews Matthew Keightley in the Bacchus Garden